Tag Archives: PNews

PNews 4/21/2022

April 21, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Two-Handed Theology The world is suffering. Christ is risen! Both are true. Taken together, they constitute our hope and our mission. Easter invites us to two-handed theology: Bible and newspaper together; might and tenderness together; suffering and comfort together; grief …

PNews 4/14/22

April 14, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Were You There? Where are we on the night we call Maundy Thursday, in the story of salvation that Scripture unfolds to us scene by scene? A beloved African-American spiritual gets to this by asking, “Were you there when they …

PNews 4/7/22

April 7, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

A Time to Weep As he entered Jerusalem, Jesus began to weep, even as the crowd’s acclamations for his triumphal entry were still ringing in the air. Jesus’ anguish was not that they rejected his words or actions, but that …

PNews 3/31/2022

March 31, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

The Church’s True Beauty Jesus’ road to Calvary underscores that having everything look pristine and work in good order is not his highest priority; indeed, we know all too well the ugliness that can be found in the church. Yet …

PNews 3/24/22

March 23, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

The Divine Discount According to Scripture, God chooses to discount our shortcomings – and we are called to do the same with each other. If we cannot demonstrate reconciliation in how we live with each other, we have no credibility …

PNews 3/17/2022

March 17, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Hope Hope. It’s one of the defining terms of the New Testament and yet hope can be frustrating when what you hoped for, doesn’t happen. Across the last two years, leaders have seen their hopes dashed as wave upon wave …

PNews 3/10/22

March 10, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

One, and Only One Jesus’ promise is that the coming of the Spirit upon the church will help unite his followers, even as he and the Father are one. The church’s visible unity is a public manifestation of what God …

PNews 3/2/22

March 3, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Holy? Really? The word “holy” is widely misunderstood. Holiness is about belonging. When we confess the holiness of the church, we affirm that it belongs to the Lord, and to the Lord alone. Do we honor the church’s holiness in …

PNews 2/24/22

February 24, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

When One Suffers The most important political gift the church can offer the world is for it to be true to its identity as the Body of Christ. In the church, not only are all members equally welcome; all are …

PNews 2/17/22

February 17, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

We Are Catholic “Catholic” was not coined by nor is it a trademark of the Roman Catholic church. It derives from the ancient Greek katholou, which means literally “according to the whole.” When we say we are catholic, we are …

PNews 2/10/2022

February 10, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Telling Our Story Fully The apostolic church continues the commission Jesus gave to his apostles: “You shall be my witnesses.” Witnesses are story-tellers. They tell the story of what they have seen and experienced. The church must hear and tell …

PNews 2/3/2022

February 3, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Bedrock Church Jesus is clear about what will make credible his followers’ claim to be his disciples. They will be publicly recognized as his disciples by how they love each other. In a post-pandemic church that has lost much in …

PNews 1/27/22

January 27, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Dangerous Bubbles Jesus’ final words to his disciples, according to Matthew, begin with “Go…” For followers of Jesus, going out into the world is a strategy not only for making the world better – it also makes us better. Can …

PNews 1/13/22

January 13, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

More than Enough In God’s economy, there is always more than enough for everyone to have their fill. The only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four Gospels is the feeding of the five thousand, suggesting that it is the …

PNews 1/6/22

January 6, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Blinded by Epiphany Light? Epiphany is about God’s light blazing into our world. We can choose either to live by what it reveals, or to be blinded by it in our eagerness to live instead according to what we would …