Tag Archives: PNews

PNews – 9/10/20

September 10, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Do We Gather for Worship, or to Worship? The conversation about returning to the sanctuary has revealed a persisting pattern among us, a tendency to call the gathering “worship.” This way of putting it suggests that …

PNews – 9/3/2020

September 3, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News From Pittsburgh Presbytery Shaken to the Core. Over recent months we have been shaken to the core – by the pandemic, by police shootings, and by resultant protests and counter-protests. There’s a whole lot of shaking going on in …

PNews – 08/13/20

August 13, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery How Do We Truly Become Unified? Mark 3:25 says “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.“ Divided we are easily manipulated to resentment, anger, superiority, and distrust. Where and how do we …

PNews – 08/06/2020

August 6, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Are We Going to Atrophy or Adapt? A titan of our age was laid to rest last week. John Lewis kept going moving forward undeterred throughout his life, no matter how much resistance he faced. Likewise, the …

PNews – 7/23/20

July 23, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Is the Familiar Gone for Good? We are all waiting for “life to go back to normal”. But what was normal doesn’t exist anymore. And we have no idea what the “normal” we’re headed for is going …

PNews – 07/16/2020

July 16, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Has God Forsaken Us? “How could a good, all-powerful God let bad things happen to good people?” This ancient question, which philosophers call “the problem of evil,” gets asked anew wherever trauma occurs. It presses hard …

PNews – 6/11/2020

June 10, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

How Can We Be Actively Anti-Racist? The PC(USA) Store stands in solidarity with the protesters who are crying out for justice. Additionally, they believe that in order to fully support people of color, white individuals must educate themselves, have conversations with each …

PNews – 6/4/2020

June 4, 2020 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

How Do We Respond to Racism Amid a Pandemic? There is a time to dance and there is a time to mourn. Today we mourn. In the fifth of the Church’s six “Great Ends,” Presbyterians affirm that one of the our core …