Tag Archives: brian wallace

Call to Prayer – 7/2/24

July 2, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Tuesday, July 2, 2024 14 Also, let’s hold on to the confession since we have a great high priest who passed …

Call to Prayer 6/20/24

June 20, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, June 20, 2024 14 Also, let’s hold on to the confession since we have a great high priest who passed …

Call to Prayer 6/13/24

June 13, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, June 13, 2024 14 Also, let’s hold on to the confession since we have a great high priest who passed …

Call to Prayer

June 6, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, June 6, 2024 14 Also, let’s hold on to the confession since we have a great high priest who passed …

Two Simple Lessons

May 9, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, May 9, 2024 Two Simple Lessons I’m a cat dad.  I can’t say this is really a choice I made …

The State of the Presbytery: Spring 2024 Edition

April 25, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, April 25, 2024 Dear Friends- There is a lot going on in the life of Pittsburgh Presbytery, and we’re about …

Board of Pensions Information and Guidance

April 10, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, April 14, 2024 Dear Friends- I often used this space to reflect on a biblical, theological, or leadership concept that …

Delay in Malawi and South Sudan Pilgrimage

April 4, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, April 4, 2024 Dear Friends- With disappointment, I share with you the news that the planned pilgrimage of our tripartite …

Time Away

February 29, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, February 29, 2024 Time Away I was made for the COVID-19 Pandemic and the wave of technology that came with …

“I Don’t See Color”

February 15, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, February 15, 2024 In honor of Henry Highland Garnet Weekend, 2024 There are big moments in our lives.  Developments or …

Henry Highland Garnet Weekend

February 1, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, February 1, 2024 Dear Friends- I am somewhat of a history buff.  Many of my childhood vacations were spent visiting …

You Can’t Pick Your Family

January 25, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, January 25, 2024 You Can’t Pick Your Family “You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family.” This …

Healthy Ministries Require Healthy Leaders

January 18, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, January 18, 2024 Healthy Ministries Require Healthy Leaders In July of 2007, our oldest child was born.  We had been …

The Problem with Resolutions

January 4, 2024 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, January 4, 2024 The Problem with Resolutions Some verses of scripture are more popular.  For example, you’ve probably seen John …

Good or Perfect?

December 21, 2023 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Brian Wallace Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff Thursday, December 21, 2023 Good or Perfect? This year is my 30th anniversary of being a runner.  In the fall of …