Presbytery News

What Have You Seen?

April 15, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, April 15, 2021 Before his crucifixion, Jesus’ primary agenda with his closest followers is to make them disciples. Followers. He seeks to change their way of …

The Most Blessed of Believers

April 8, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, April 8, 2021   The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! This familiar Easter litany, dating back to the church’s earliest days, is more than …

PNews – 4/8/21

April 7, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Is Seeing Really Believing? Most of us are familiar with the “Doubting Thomas” story. Aren’t we all like Thomas, slow to accept the story of Easter? It flies in the face of everything we know to …

Sitting with Suffering

April 1, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, April 1, 2021 “Sundays only” Christians move directly from the Hosannas of Palm Sunday to the Hallelujahs of Easter Sunday. Jesus’ angry disruptiveness in the temple, …

PNews – 4/1/21

April 1, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Are We Skipping Ahead? Holy Week is a crash course in sitting with suffering. Sitting with Jesus during this week of suffering helps us sit better with others when they suffer. But is that really essential? What …

Downloadable Worship Resources

March 28, 2021 | Posted in COVID-19 Resources

To assist congregations during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the staff of Pittsburgh Presbytery will be providing downloadable worship components, usually in the form of sermons, for use by our congregations.  Please note that the resources below are most appropriate for those …

PNews – 3/25/2021

March 25, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Do You Believe God Raised a Man From the Dead? This week we are excited to offer a video meditation! Recognizing the excitement and stress Holy Week and Easter brings to church leadership, Elder Ralph Lowe, …

PNews – 3/18/21

March 18, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Are We There Yet? We think of Advent as the season of waiting, but surely Lent is also such a season. As I said last week, our COVID curtailment feels like a year-long Lenten journey. Like …

Hurry Up and Wait

March 18, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, March 18, 2021 Jesus gave his disciples repeated warnings that soon he would be crucified. Understandably, one of their reactions was to object, something Jesus responded …

PNews – 3/11/21

March 11, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Together or Alone? We have been walking mainly alone for the past year through the COVID pandemic. Even when we come together, we are separated – “social distancing,” we call it. Alone, together. Jesus reminds us …