Weekly Newsletters

Escape or Transcend?

May 13, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, May 13, 2021 Today the church celebrates the fourth great festival that marks the arc of Jesus’ life. The first three are well-known to us – …

PNews – 5/13/21

May 13, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Escape or Transcend? Today is Ascension Day, a church festival often overlooked, unlike the other major celebrations of Jesus’ life.  As much as virgin conception and bodily resurrection defy all human experience, at least they deal …

PNews – 5/6/21

May 10, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery What Will Be Our New Superpower? Presbyterians prize their orderliness, and justifiably so. Our allergy to disorder has proven to be a true “superpower” that has helped make us a “long haul” community. But at this unprecedented …

Without Undue Delay

May 6, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, May 6, 2021 Our “Directory for Worship” instructs that children’s baptism should be administered “without undue haste or undue delay.” (Book of Order W-3.0403) Such a …

Nominate Candidates for Senior Vice Moderator for 2022

May 4, 2021 | Posted in Announcements

Information and Nomination Instructions Information on Time Commitment to GA 2022

The Long Haul

April 29, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, April 29, 2021 Twenty-five years ago Rev. Harry Hassall published a guide for new church member orientation, Presbyterians: People of the Middle Way. In it he …

PNews – 4/29/21

April 29, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Are We Prepared For the Long Haul? For Presbyterians, the way forward in times when we differ involves engaging each other respectfully across our differences, as we seek common ground. We trust that God’s Spirit will …

Solidarity or Distancing?

April 22, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, April 22, 2021 In last week’s letter I noted how eyewitnesses to the risen Lord turned the world upside down. According to biblical records, those that …

PNews – 4/22/21

April 22, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Will We Work For Justice? Like the political and economic leaders confronted by the Easter message during the days of the apostles, those of us who enjoy privileged positions in our current order may well acknowledge …

PNews 0 4/15/21

April 15, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery What Have You Seen? A good lawyer will try to seat multiple witnesses in trial proceedings, each of which provides detail that supplements what others have reported. Similarly, the witness of the Gospels is strengthened rather …