Opportunities for Education

Decently and in Order?

February 4, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, February 4, 2021 No Bible text warms Presbyterian hearts more than 1 Corinthians 14:40 – “… all things should be done decently and in order.” Methodists …

PNews – 2/4/21

February 4, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery How Do We Navigate Into Unknown Waters? A pandemic that has disrupted the entirety of our social world has wreaked havoc with good Presbyterian order. We have no roadmap for this, because there are no roads yet …

PNews – 1/28/21

January 28, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Can We Have Unity Without Accountability? Advocates of unity and accountability are locking horns these days in the halls of Congress. Why do we advocate more for unity at certain times and more for accountability at others? How …

Unity and Accountability

January 28, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, January 28, 2021 At what price unity? Advocates of unity and accountability are locking horns these days in the halls of Congress. Those supporting the impeachment …

PNews – 1/21/21

January 21, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery How Should We React to Uncertainty? The Word of the Year for 2020 (according to the Oxford English Dictionary) is “unprecedented.” The natural response to unprecedented situations is anxiety, driven by uncertainty. Our nation is riddled …

Choosing Hope

January 21, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, January 21, 2021 Yesterday we witnessed the inauguration of a new American President and Vice-President. Many of the circumstances attending their assumption of office carry forward …

Join the White Ally Workshop by Dr. David Campt!

January 20, 2021 | Posted in Announcements

Dr. David Campt will tackle how to use practical dialogue to dismantle unintended bias and racism with “The White Ally Toolkit” to create a compassionate and welcoming space where love is the driving force of belonging. The White Ally Toolkit …

The Vulnerability of Truth

January 14, 2021 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, January 14, 2021 Truthfulness matters. One of the Great Ends of the Church is “Preservation of the Truth.” (Book of Order F-1.0304) In one sense this …

PNews – 1/14/21

January 14, 2021 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery Will Truth Prevail? Martin Luther King Jr. declared, “The force of evil may temporarily conquer truth, but truth has a way of ultimately conquering its conqueror.” Last week’s violent attack on the Capitol was fueled by …

Freedom Rising Sunday on 1/17/21!

January 13, 2021 | Posted in Announcements

Annually the Sunday before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is celebrated as Freedom Rising Sunday! A time for congregations in our presbytery to unite in prayer, worship, witness, and giving to support Freedom Rising and our shared call to address …