Opportunities for Education

PNews 6/30/22

June 30, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Fear Fear is a compelling, controlling power in our lives. Too often, we make decisions in life based in fear instead of trusting the life path we are called to in Jesus Christ. This is not faithful. Faithfulness is living …

PNews 6/23/22

June 23, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Fear Fear is a compelling, controlling power in our lives. Too often, we make decisions in life based in fear instead of trusting the life path we are called to in Jesus Christ. This is not faithful. Faithfulness is living …

Remembering Deliverance

June 16, 2022 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, June 16, 2022 Remembering Deliverance It is human nature to quickly forget occasions when we were set free from distress. The story of just one of …

PNews 6/16/22

June 16, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Remembering Deliverance Celebrating the gift of freedom with those who have been set free is nothing less than acknowledging our common humanity and dignity as God’s children. White folk should have been celebrating Juneteenth all along with their Black siblings, …

Let It Go

June 9, 2022 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, June 9, 2022 Let it Go I was not born with the gift of nonchalance. Ever since I can remember, I cared deeply about things being …

PNews 6/9/22

June 9, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Let It Go One of the marks of true maturity is the ability to tell the difference between essentials and non-essentials. Getting wrought up over non-essential things is a sure sign that we have some more growing to do. The …

PNews 6/2/22

June 2, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Confidentiality and Transparency Each year, as we orient new members of presbytery committees, we discuss two core values to which our presbytery is committed: confidentiality and transparency. The two often seem at odds, but rightly understood, both are necessary for …

Confidentiality and Transparency

June 2, 2022 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, June 2, 2022 Confidentiality and Transparency  Each year, as we orient new members of presbytery committees, we discuss two core values to which our presbytery is …

A Passion for Public Justice

May 26, 2022 | Posted in Letters from the General Minister

A Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge General Minister Thursday, May 26, 2022 A Passion for Public Justice  Reformed Christians have it in their DNA to care deeply about social justice. Before he was a theologian …

PNews 5/26/22

May 26, 2022 | Posted in Weekly Newsletter

A Passion for Public Justice From its inception, the Reformed movement, of which Presbyterianism is the primary American expression, has held that Christ calls us to make a difference in the world. Protesting the unbridled proliferation of guns is surely …