Staff Profiles

Staff Profiles

Presbytery Office main phone number 412-323-1400

Leadership Staff
Support Staff
Presbytery Moderators


Brian Wallace, Associate Minister for Congregational Support & Emerging Ministries and
Acting Head of Staff

Email | 412-323-1402

Brian is the primary presbytery staff liaison for congregations in the East Branch of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, Commission on Preparation for Ministry, Commission on Ministry, New Worshiping Communities Commission, Nominations Committee, and the Next Generation Ministry Team.  Please contact him if you have questions about any of these areas.

Carla CampbellCarla Campbell, Stated Clerk & Congregational Support Associate
Email | 412-323-1405 

Carla is head of the Office of the Stated Clerk and handles all stated clerk affairs, serves as our general counsel, as well as being the primary presbytery staff liaison for the Executive Committee and Ecclesiastical Committee.  She also oversees the congregational process for pastoral transitions, church governance & polity, and presbytery and session minute reading meetings.  Please contact her if you have questions about any of these areas.  Stated Clerk forms and resources can also be accessed directly here.

Ralph LoweRalph Lowe, Associate Minister for Congregational Support and Justice Ministries
Email | 412-323-1403 

Ralph is the primary presbytery staff liaison for the North Branch and West Branch of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, as well as the Administrative Commission for Transformation, Amos 5:24 Ministry Team,  Anti-Racism Transformation Team, Freedom Rising Pilot Project, Peacemaking Ministry Team, Hunger Fund Ministry Team, National Black Presbyterian Caucus Pittsburgh Chapter, Great Commission, and the Self-Development of People Ministry Team.  Please contact him if you have questions about any of these areas.

Louise Rogers, Temporary Associate Minister for Congregational Support
Email | 412-323-1404

Louise is the primary presbytery staff liaison for congregations in the South Branch of the Pittsburgh Presbytery. She is also involved in Commission on Ministry and the Administrative Commission for Transformation. Please contact her if you have questions about any of these areas.

Elizabeth Meriwether, Business Administrator
Email | 412-323-1407

Elizabeth is the primary presbytery staff liaison for the Finance and Property Committee.  She oversees the business and financial office, including processing all grants, funds, and scholarships, from our various ministries.  She also covers the Property Management and technology for the presbytery office, as well as being the primary presbytery liaison for any issues relating to church properties.  Please contact Elizabeth with questions on the Presbytery Budget, Payroll Processing, Housing Allowance, Financial Reviews and Audits, and other areas related to church administration.


Cathy Nelson, Executive Assistant
| 412-697-9209

Cathy supports the areas under Brian Wallace, Associate Minister for Emerging Ministries & Acting Head of Staff.  She is also a presbytery staff liaison to Commission on Ministry, Executive Committee, Administrative Commission for Transformation, Freedom Rising Pilot Project, International Partnership, New Worshiping Communities Commission, Generosity Committee, Nominations Committee, and Personnel Committee.  She is also responsible for some of the bookkeeping functions including accounts payable and areas of hospitality of gatherings at the presbytery office hosted by Pittsburgh Presbytery.  Please contact her if you have questions about any of these areas.

Jenny Tarrant, Administrative Assistant
Email | 412-697-9207

Jenny supports the work of Carla Campbell, Stated Clerk, and Ralph Lowe, Director of Justice Ministries.  She provides administrative support for the Commission on Preparation for Ministry and serves as Webmaster.  She is also responsible for publishing the weekly PNews e-letter.  Please contact her if you have questions about any of these areas.

Kenny SummersKenny SummersCustodian




Moderator: Rev. Sarah Robbins, Sixth Presbyterian Church

Senior Vice Moderator: Rev. Lindsay White, Cross Roads Presbyterian Church, Gibsonia (North Branch)

Vice Moderator: Rev. Dr. Laura Strauss, Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church (South Branch)

Vice Moderator: Elder Mary Jo Buffo, Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon (West Branch)

Vice Moderator: Rev. Ben Robbins, Northmont United Presbyterian Church (East Branch)