PNews 3/14/24

A Lens of Grace

One of the true gifts that we have, as a community called to be covenant relationship, is an opportunity to learn from one another as we seek to support one another in the work that God has called us to do. It is my hope, and my prayer, that as we do we would, young and old, employ a lens of grace. In this week’s letter, A Lens of Grace, Rev. Brian Wallace discusses seeing others as God sees them: imperfect yet beloved, flawed yet capable.

Upcoming Events

The following events take place at the Presbytery Building, unless noted:

March 20
New Worshiping Communities Commission (8:00 – 9:30am, Zoom)
Peacemaking (4:00 – 5:00pm)

March 21
Personnel Committee (10:00 – 12:00, Zoom)
PJC Regional Training (9:30am – 3:30pm)

April 6
Session Minutes Reading (9:00am – 12:00pm, by appointment)

April 10 and 11
Anti-Racism Training (9:00am – 1:00pm)

April 16
Pittsburgh Presbyterian Foundation (2:30 – 4:00pm)

Where is the Staff?

This is where the Presbytery Staff will be on Sunday, March 17:

  • Louise Rogers – Worship leader Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community, South Side Presbyterian Church
  • Brian Wallace – Leading the Crestfield Confirmation Retreat

Animating Anti-Racist Ways of Being

This workshop, sponsored by the Anti-Racism Transformation Team (ARTT) of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, is being presented by Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing and Training on Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, 2024 from 9 AM to 1 PM, via Zoom.

Begin exploring how systemic racism, regardless of intent, provides advantages to white people and harms People of Color. This workshop will build a shared understanding of how inherited systemic racism operates within institutions, including Pittsburgh Presbytery. Participants will work towards identifying the impact of systemic racism and begin to provide tools for imagining solutions.

For further information or questions, contact

Seminary Student Intern Grants

Seminary student interns are granted monthly stipends to work with congregations. This effort is designed to provide hands on ministry training for students, while providing additional resources for congregations, who demonstrate financial need. Grant Application deadline April 5th, 2024.

Celebration Corner: Update on RIP Medical Debt Campaign

Thanks to an outreach at Bower Hill Community Church, nearly $49,000 was collected in the Synod region, which was used to pay off nearly $6 million in medical debt for more than 6,500 families in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. A breakdown of medical debt that was abolished is available here.

Crestfield Summer Camps 2024

March 15th is the last day to qualify for Early Bird registration for summer camps at Crestfield! Register for Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Service Adventure Camp, and more! Click here to watch a highlight video of last year’s Overnight Camp.

Save Money on Your Church’s Light Bill!

Duquesne Light has a grant available for savings through florescent bulb replacement. The new bulbs are LED’s and the reduction of wattage is 23 watts per bulb. One local church is replacing 500 old florescent bulbs and experiencing considerable savings on their monthly Duquesne Light bill. The grant expires in 2026. Click here for examples of lighting rebates available, and for contact information.

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