PNews 7/7/22

At the February Presbytery meeting, the Pittsburgh Presbytery approved a motion to send a Domestic Abuse Overture to the 225th General Assembly regarding removal of guns from domestic abusers. The overture was written by Rev. Charissa Howe and Ruling Elder Mark Roth. In this week’s video, Associate Minister Rev. Ralph Lowe interviews Rev. Howe, who shares her testimony and discusses the overture. For more information, Rev. Howe suggests looking into the Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network.

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You can keep up to date with General Assembly news in a few ways. Our Stated Clerk, Carla Campbell, has written a summary of the first week of the General Assembly, found here. Articles and interviews are available through daily newsletters, social media, GA225 website, and Get other Assembly news through the Daily Digest sent to your inbox, the GA News page, and several social media platforms.

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Every three years, the Revised Common Lectionary immerses churches in the Gospel of Matthew. This can also be an excellent opportunity to engage the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Matthew 25 vision of building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty. Rev. Dr. David Gambrell, associate for worship in the PC(USA’s) Office of Theology and Worship, has prepared a set of resources for congregations to use in engaging the Matthew 25 themes.

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On behalf of the Committee on Nominations, we invite you, the Ministers and Sessions of Pittsburgh Presbytery, to recommend one or more candidates for Senior Vice Moderator of Pittsburgh Presbytery for the year 2023. The Senior Vice Moderator will succeed to the office of Moderator of Pittsburgh Presbytery in 2024. We hope that you will prayerfully consider this invitation for candidates. Self-recommendations are in order, so please share this invitation with your congregation. Click “read more” for more information.

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Coffee with Clergy
Coffee with Clergy on Monday mornings is taking a summer break for the month of July. Join us again in August for more coffee, laughter, and great conversation among colleagues.
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