
Call to Prayer

This week, we would ask you to pray:

  • For our friends in Malawi, as they grieve the death of their Vice-President this week.
  • For our nation, as we celebrate Juneteenth, that we would celebrate the great strides we have made as a church and a country and recognize the work that is still to be done.
  • For our General Minister Special Nominating Committee and candidates as they meet together this week to continue the vital work of discernment.
  • For those in our churches who are busy preparing for vacation bible school and other camp programs at our various churches.
  • For the contributions, both past and present, of our retired pastors.


Upcoming Events

The following events take place at the Presbytery Building, unless noted:

June 20
Personnel Committee (9:00 – 10:00am, Zoom)
2025 Minimum Terms and Benefits Policy Review (11:30am – 1:00pm)

June 25 – 27
GA Virtual Committee Meetings

June 26
2025 Minimum Terms and Benefits Policy Review (4:00 – 5:30pm)

June 27
Finance and Property Committee (2:00 – 3:00pm, Zoom)

Where is the Staff?

This is where the Presbytery Staff will be on Sunday, June 16:

  • Carla Campbell – Worshiping at Southminster PC
  • Ralph Lowe – Worshiping at the PC of Coraopolis

Register for COM Informational Meetings

As announced last week, the Commission on Ministry is hosting four different information and input sessions in June and July (the content of these four sessions will be the same). The purpose of these gatherings will be (1) to explain how the proposed 2025 Minimum Terms of Call and Benefits Policy incorporates the changes in the Board of Pensions, (2) to answer questions from participants, and (3) to receive feedback and input on how the proposal might be modified. Two of these gatherings will be in-person (June 20th at 11:30 pm, June 26th at 4:00 pm), and two will be on Zoom (July 8 at 10:00 am, July 30 at 7:00 pm). You can register for these events using this link.

Two Opportunities for Musicians

We are hoping to establish a list of musicians willing to substitute for church services. This list would be shared with church musicians within our presbytery, for those looking to take vacation or sick time away. If you are a musician that would be willing to be placed on a substitute list, please fill out this form.
Additionally, we are in the beginning stages of planning a gathering for the church musicians in our presbytery, possibly in early fall. This would be for musicians for churches from all sizes, from large music programs to small. If you would be interested in participating, please email Jenny Tarrant.

Emerging Adults Study

The NextGen Ministry of Pittsburgh Presbytery has recognized that emerging adults (18-32) are a growing need in our Presbytery and churches in general. We also recognize that we don’t know who is currently in our presbytery that is an emerging adult. This survey is to help us get demographics about the emerging adults in our churches.
You can find the survey here.

Wonder of Worship Grants

The Wonder of Worship program at Columbia Theological Seminary is offering grants of $1,000 to congregations looking to enhance the engagement of children in their corporate workspaces. Wonder of Worship is funded through Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. The aim of the national initiative is to support faith-based organizations as they help children grow in faith and deepen their relationships with God. Instructions for applying for the grant are provided in the attached link. The deadline for the application is July 15.

2024 Gathering of Presbyterian Women

Registration is now open for the 2024 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women. Join Presbyterian women from around the country in an exciting, faith-filled time to renew connections in St. Louis, Missouri from August 8-11, 2024. There are opportunities to attend both in person and online.

New Section: Upcoming Congregation Events

We want to help share your church event! Starting soon, we would like to start featuring some Congregation Events that would be of interest to the greater Presbytery body in our newsletter. The events should align with our Purpose and Strategy Statement. The form will be due at least 3 weeks prior to the event, and Presbytery staff will review the requests.
Congregation Events form>>>

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