May 2024 Presbytery Meeting Letter

Carla CampbellA Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from
Carla L. Campbell
Stated Clerk and Congregational Support Associate
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Dear Presbytery,

Pittsburgh Presbytery will come together on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the Hicks Memorial Chapel at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary for our spring meeting.  The packet for the meeting follows.

As always when we can gather in person, a highlight of the meeting will be our worship time.  Our Acting Head of Staff, Rev. Brian Wallace will preach and Jakob Harmon, who is well-known to the Seminary community, will lead music.  We will commission our commissioners to the 226th General Assembly to be held this summer and will mark the closure of Chartiers Valley United Presbyterian Church after many years of fruitful ministry.

During worship we will dedicate the copies of the Life Recovery Bible donated by congregations within the presbytery for use at the Allegheny County Jail by the Foundation of Hope.  This project was coordinated by the Matthew 25 Steering Team of Pittsburgh Presbytery, which recently became a ministry team of Pittsburgh Presbytery known as “Matthew 25 on the Move”.  If you have not had an opportunity to purchase a Bible, please consider a donation of $17 to cover the approximate cost of one of these Bibles.  Donations will be accepted at the meeting.  If you have Bibles to deliver, please drop them off in the designated area near the registration tables on the auditorium level.

Our business at this meeting will include a resolution on the dangers of Christian Nationalism that was approved by the Executive Committee and is included as part of your packet.  Several sessions and organizations within our presbytery brought this forward and I urge you to give it prayerful consideration.  We will welcome two Candidates for Ministry and hear updates from our newest ministry team, Matthew 25 on the Move, and from our Administrative Commission on Transformation.  We also will receive further information on the 2025 changes to medical coverage from the Board of Pensions and review some of the issues that will come to the General Assembly.

If you plan to attend the meeting and have not already done so, please pre-register to make entry into the meeting move more quickly.  Registration for the meeting will be held on the auditorium level which is fully accessible.  From there you may take the stairs or the elevator up to the chapel level.  Those who are not able to attend the meeting are invited to watch the livestream via the presbytery website.

We look forward to being with you at the meeting.
Grace and peace,

Carla L. Campbell

Stated Clerk and Congregational Support Associate

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