December 2023 Presbytery Meeting

Carla CampbellA Letter to Pittsburgh Presbytery from
Carla L. Campbell
Stated Clerk and Congregational Support Associate
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dear Presbytery,

We look forward to meeting at Union Presbyterian Church of Robinson Township for our final presbytery meeting of the year on December 7th at 1:00 p.m.  Our Advent worship is sure to be inspiring as we will hear the sermon Leave Your Umbrella at Home: An Advent Shouting Match and the Faithfulness of God by Rev. Austin Crenshaw Shelley and a solo selection from the Magnificat by acclaimed vocalist Charlene Canty.  Worship is being planned by the members of the Special Nominating Committee to nominate a new General Minister who hope to invite the Presbytery into the posture that they believe will be necessary for us to walk into this next season of ministry together.  They have expressed that they are aware of the fears and anxieties associated with this process and at this service want to lead the Presbytery in a liturgy that calls for a commitment to corporate change while affirming our hope in God’s promise.

We will install our 2024 Moderators so that we may celebrate with them and honor the work of our current Moderator while we are gathered.  We will meet new members being received into our presbytery and honor the service of those who are retiring.  We will hear announcements from the Presbyterian Foundation, the Board of Pensions, and the Anti-Racism Transformation Team in addition to receiving an update on our Matthew 25 Initiative.  Our Commission on Preparation for Ministry will bring a Candidate forward for approval for ordination and we will elect our committee and commission members for 2024 and our commissioners to the 226th General Assembly to be held in Salt Lake City next summer.

When entering Union Church, please take a moment to appreciate the beautiful addition that provides a welcome entry point and an elevator for limited mobility access to the sanctuary.  This addition is a great example of Presbyterians working together for the greater glory of the Kingdom as it was made possible by a loan from the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, approved and guaranteed by Pittsburgh Presbytery.  When leaving the church, be sure to pause to take in the beautiful hilltop view.

Grace and peace,

Carla L. Campbell
Stated Clerk and Congregational Support Associate



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